As of June 7, 2022 we will begin to gather together for our worship experience together here at the church beginning at 10:15 am. We will practice safe social distancing, there will be masks available for people that do not have any and hand sanitizer will be available. We are have Coffee hour after Church, Join the fellowship time. You can also attend via facebook and the link that is on this page. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you again!
My name is Rich Luh. I was born and raised in Buffalo, New York, where I did most of my education. I graduated from Lancaster Theological Seminary and served churches in Pa, NY, Illinois and Ohio since 1979. I also served close to three years as Pastor and rotating worship leader for almost 3 years.
I live in Miamisburg with my wife Susan, youngest daughter, Melissa and her four children, Sabrina, junior at Miamisburg HS; Crystal, an eighth grader: Calleigh, a sixth grader and CJ, a second grader at Bauer. Our oldest daughter, Jennifer, lives in Miamisburg with her two children, Austin, a third grader at Bauer and Kaitlynne, starting kindergarten. We also have four dogs, a parrot and a horse (which lives in the country). My wife and I enjoy doing things, traveling, etc with our grandchildren and going to movies and taking cruises. Of course, this pandemic has seriously hampered these interests. My wife is a retired nurse.
I enjoy doing skits and other dramatic presentations and encourage people in the congregation to join in on them. I also enjoy doing Bible Studies and getting feedback from the congregation as to what kind of programs they would like and what they would like to see in our worship experiences.
I enjoy making visits to shut-ins and nursing homes and hospitals.
I feel that I have plenty of energy to help St. Paul's realize more potential as they reach out into the surrounding community.
We have great challenges facing us, and other congregations as well in this day and age; but I am confident that working together, we can continue to transform our faith into action, spreading God's love throughout our community.
The church secretary is in the office on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Vary 8 am - 1pm Thursdays Hours Vary
Friday open by appt.
If you are in need of Pastoral care please contact Rev. Luh directly for emergencies at 937-993-5464 email is or contact the office at 513-422-4519 to make an appointment
Every Sunday at 10:15 am. Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of every month.
Every Tuesdays
at 1 pm at the Church in Friendship Hall
The church and sanctuary is handicap accessible. We have people that will be glad to assist you.
Feel free to bring your children.
We have a nursery for children under the age of 7.
Due to the concerns of Covid-19 we offer access to our Sunday Service via Facebook Live starting @ 10:15am.
We the members of St. Paul's UCC of Middletown, Ohio, believe that all people are created in God's image and thus are loved and blessed equally by God. We seek God's will for today through an inner spiritual journey and an outer journey of engagement in community life.
Our faith leads us to welcome all persons, including those of all races, ethnicities, ages, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, family structures, faith backgrounds, abilities and economic circumstances, into the full life and ministries of this church.
We welcome and encourage all to share in the life, leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities and blessings of participation in our congregation.
By listening to the still speaking God, we seek to connect people to God and to others through worship, service and fellowship.
Develops a deeper sense of fellowship within the local and universal church by providing meals, cards, and calls to member in need, organizing lunches and other fellowship building activities, and assigning weekly duties that assure our hospitality to guests and members.
Rotating volunteers perform many of the weekly duties at St. Paul's. Communication between the minister, Council and the laity creates meaningful worship, education and mission. This is the way new people become involved and new ideas are welcomed.
Oversees worship, prepares sacraments and assigns ushers. Its goal is to create a climate of faith through education and sanctuary preparation.
Encourages active discipleship and assesses various local, state, national, and international mission needs. The many capacities and talents of the members are used to minister to the needy, infirm, and aggrieved.
St. Paul's United Church of Christ's history began in 1876 with a group of people who were German immigrants seeking to express their theological understanding. The name decided on by the original 32 Protestant Christians was St. Paul's German Evangelical Protestant Church. That name still appears in the stained glass above the front doors today.
Worship services were conducted in German until 1918. English was introduced in January of 1910 for the late morning service.
The original old Victorian Gothic section was built in 1877 and appeared as you see it today with exception of the front doors and the cross on the bell tower. The second floor sanctuary was completed in 1888. The irreplaceable art glass windows in the north and south walls of the sanctuary were installed in 1920. The Lord's Supper and Easter Morning windows were placed above the altar and in the balcony in 1939. The sanctuary was remodeled in 1940 as it appears today.
Our history began over 140 years ago as a covenant with God and Christ and one another to carry out the mission of the church, as the 32 founding Christians understood it. We can be proud of our heritage, both as a congregation and denomination. We strive to continue the mission of the church, as we understand it.
Our faith is over 2000 years old; our thinking is not.
Jesus did not turn anyone away; neither do we.
Keep up to date with the latest version of The Messenger!!
City Centered Activism: St. Paul's UCC is invested in the citizens of this community. We support, and provide space for, meetings that promote racial justice, positive community interactions with police, prayer services to address social injustice, interfaith gatherings, and many more community building events. We are also active with our town's solution to serving the homeless through the winter, serving meals alongside our neighboring church.
Abilities First: A local agency that provides services for children and adults with disabilities, developmental delays, and other special needs.
One Great Hour of Sharing: Provides support relief services whenever and wherever disaster strikes: humanitarian aid, famine relief and help to resettle refugees, ministries for homeless children in inner cities of the world.
Crayons to Computers: Many children cannot afford the basic supplies for school, and many teachers spend their own money to purchase supplies for their students and classrooms. Crayons to Computers helps bridge the gap by operating a free store for teachers.
Strengthen the Church: UCC mission offering for new church starts.
Neighbors in Need: Supports ministries of justice and compassion including the Council for American Indians and UCC's Justice and Witness Ministry.
Veterans of the Cross: Provides pension supplements, health premium subsidies, and emergency assistance to active and retired clergy families.
Hope House and Center of Hope for Women and Children: Two homeless shelters in Middletown
Crossroad Child and Family Services Fort Wayne, Indiana: UCC ministry for clients who need therapy, education, and family support for emotionally troubled young people.
UCC Global Child Sponsorship Program: St. Paul's supports a Tibetan refugee child in Darjeeling, India
Family Service of Middletown Choice Market: Provides food and taxable items that cannot be purchased with food stamps, such as personal care products, laundry detergent, and dish soap.
Needy Fund: St. Paul's concentrates on local needs. Our Needy Fund is used to help people who come to the church looking for help with gas, electric, and water bills. Sometimes they need help with small emergencies, prescriptions, or bus passes. We have a Clothes Closet every Tuesday from 10 am until 1 pm.
Church Office Hours are Monday, Tuesday-Wednesday from 9am-1pm.
Call the office the office with any questions .
114 South Broad Street, Middletown, Ohio 45044, United States
Sunday Service starts at 10:15 am
We are an open & affirming church.
All are Welcome!
Handicap accessible
Nursery provided for children under 7
Enjoy the warmer temperatures. Remember to turn clocks ahead 3/09
Bell choir has started again. Please come join in the FUN.
This year, we are giving a presentation each week from Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. Lunch begins at 12 noon and the program will be over by 1pm
March 12 – 1st Baptist Church; Pastor Kim is the speaker
March 19 – 1st United Methodist Church; Pastor Rich is the speaker
March 26 1st Christian Church Pastor Scotty is the speaker
Saint Paul's UCC Middletown
114 South Broad St.Middletown, OH 45044